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Parliament of NSW


The Parliament of NSW offers a range of videoconferences for NSW primary and secondary schools. All programs are FREE.

Visit us at our House is a one-hour Zoom videoconference specifically designed to educate and entertain primary school students (Stage 3) and employs the skills of an actor/teacher to bring to life the story of how Parliament works and how laws are made in NSW. Visit us at our House focusses on the History K-10 NSW syllabus for the Australian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship.

Legal Studies and the Legislature is a 45 minute videoconference for students and teachers of Year 11 Legal Studies. The workshop focuses on Part I: The Legal System. Students develop an in-depth understanding of the nature and function of law through the examination of the law-making process and legislative institutions. They explore the role and structure of the Parliament and the legislative process as sources of contemporary Australian law.