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‘Codium Message On a Bottle’ making with Erth

  19-Oct-2021      10:30AM
Live Event

Help save seaweeds by joining the team from Erth Visual & Physical Inc. to make a model Codium fragile, with a Message On a Bottle pledge to be part of the Inside the Tide exhibition at the at The Calyx in the heart of the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney.

In this 30 minute workshop, delivered as part of Project Codium, students will learn how to use recycled plastic bottles to make a model of the seaweed Codium fragile!  Schools will be invited to submit their creations to be part of a captivating seaweed installation made of hundreds of student creations at the exhibition due to open December 2021.

Students will also be invited to scribe a Message On A Bottle pledge for how they will help protect seaweeds and play a part in protecting the beautiful coastlines surrounding Australia. These used bottles will not only be prevented from going into the ocean, they will be re-purposed to create a dramatic community awareness design to help protect amazing seaweed species that students and their families will be able to visit at The Calyx at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney.

This workshop is part of a series of Virtual Excursions offered to support students engaging with the online STEM program Project Codium but all new Seaweed scientists, protectors or innovators are welcome!

A little about Codium fragile

Codium fragile is a unique, native, branching form of seaweed, which is commonly known as Dead Mans Fingers!

Found along the Greater Sydney Coastlines, Codium fragile is extraordinary in its ability to produce oxygen and is an amazing ocean cleaner, absorbing nutrients and heavy metals helping our oceans stay healthy. Codium is an important part of the intertidal zone, where the ocean meets the land. It provides habitat for many different sea animals and is an integral part of the ocean food web.

BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Botanic Gardens of Sydney

Event Details

Date & Time

  19-Oct-2021    10:30AM   + Google Calendar  + iCal Export

Event Type

Live Event - Scheduled

Joining The Event

Technology and Materials Requirements

If students are learning from home, they will need – 

Internet connection
Own digital device

You will need the following materials

1 CLEAN empty plastic bottle (eg. milk, soft drink or juice bottle)
1 pair of scissors (sharp enough to be able to cut the plastic bottle)
1 paint brush
1 permanent marker
Acrylic water based Green paint

and an adult to help!

If you are dialling in from the classroom, you will need – 

A microphone so the presenter can hear the class. Please note that some laptop microphones are difficult to hear, and the positioning of the laptop is important for capturing sound.
A projector or smartboard that allows the students to see the presenter – your classroom smartboard is perfect for this.
Adequate sound volume (usually from your smartboard or external speakers). Laptop speakers are inadequate for your whole classroom to hear the presenter
The above materials per student

If you have any queries please contact the provider

Name: Catherine Judd

Phone: 0455666415

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://www.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/learn/project-codium

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