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Meet an Evolutionary Biologist and find out how individuals impress their mates! (Stage 3, Stage 4, Stage 5)

By Request

Ever wonder why frogs sing? Why birds are colourful? Or “wow look at those cool dance moves”? Find out how individuals impress their mates


Do you get butterflies in your stomach when you see a person that you like? But why do you like them?

Students will work with Anastasia Shavrova, an evolutionary biologist who specialized in mating and reproduction, to help them understand the why, what, and how of sexual selection: Why animals choose the partners that they do, what can individuals do to impress their mate, and how can choices in partners lead to such elaborate features!

In this interactive work shop, students will explore how evolution works in real-time through playing  and seeing how they can shape different looking monsters just by listening to what their mate likes.

Put on your dancing shoes and get ready to learn, evolve, and have fun!



Event Details

Event Type

Live Event - By Request

Delivery Platform



45 Minutes


Please email us for pricing details

Payment Instructions

Booked groups will be invoiced after the date of their virtual incursion



Main KLA, Strand, Sub Strand

Science and Tech » Biology

Cancellation Policy

Full Terms and Conditions here: https://arludo.com/virtual-incursions-tcs/

Terms and Conditions

Full Terms and Conditions here: https://arludo.com/virtual-incursions-tcs/

Presenter Bio

Anastasia is an evolutionary biologist who studies the intricate world of animal mating and reproduction. Anastasia is an avid science communicator who has been featured in Splendour in the Grass, ABC Australia, and the Sydney Comedy Festival.

Joining The Event

Technology and Materials Requirements

This virtual excursion will run via Zoom. A device with internet connectivity with the capability of streaming video is required.

Participants should download the Cha Cha Island app before the start of the virtual incursion. Cha Cha Island can be downloaded for free from App Store or Google Play.

Attendees can choose to have their cameras enabled or disabled, but all microphones will be muted.

The virtual excursion will include a live presentation and time for a Q&A. Questions can either be submitted as part of your DART booking form or in the Zoom chat.

All student participants must be supervised by a teacher or parent/guardian for this virtual excursion.

Connecting To The Event

A Zoom link will be emailed closer to the date

More Information About This Event

Participants should download the Cha Cha Island app before the start of the virtual incursion. Cha Cha Island can be downloaded for free from App Store or Google Play.

If you have any queries please contact the provider

Name: Arludo

Phone: Send us an email!

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://arludo.com/

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