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Celebrate Threatened Species Day with a Biologist! (Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4, Stage 5)

Live Event

Join our resident biologist, Arman Pili, in celebrating the Threatened Species Day!


Did you know that about 9 of 10 native wildlife you see in Australia are found nowhere else in the world? However, Australia’s wildlife is in grave threat; more than 1,700 species are in decline and at risk of extinction.

In this session, Arman will bring hot news on the most recent estimates on the biodiversity of life on Earth and in Australia — how many animals, plants, fungi, and, not to mention, microbes we’re co-living with. Arman will also use this chance to enlighten participants on how humans drive wildlife to ”extinction” — when wildlife is no longer in existence.

Arman will showcase the story of the Tasmanian Tiger “Thylacene”, whose last member’s death anniversary we commemorate every year on this Threatened Species Day.

Arman hopes to raise a call to action — how we, as individuals or as a group, can help secure a brighter future for the biodiversity of life on Earth.



Event Details

Date & Time

  07-Sep-2023    11:45AM   + Google Calendar  + iCal Export

Event Type

Live Event - Scheduled

Delivery Platform



45 Minutes




Primary, Secondary

Main KLA, Strand, Sub Strand

Science and Tech » Biology

Other KLAs

Science and Tech » Living World 7-10

Special Event

Presenter Bio

Arman Pili is a research scientist studying invasive alien species. These are non-native animals, plants, fungi, and microbes brought by people from different parts of the world and to Australia. Invasive alien species are wreaking massive environmental havoc and costing governments heavy economic burdens, not just in Australia but worldwide.

Arman is developing tools that can predict who these invasive alien species are and where they will invade. Using his tools, environmental managers can have an idea of how to stop and manage future alien species invasions.

Arman’s favourite invasive alien species are the amphibian and reptile kinds. One of Arman’s tools is virToad — a simulator of the invasive cane toad. virToad is like a game, and the player’s goal is to develop the most cost-efficient strategy to manage cane toad invasions.

Arman enjoys reading about positive psychology, watching hearty films, and playing table-top role playing games.

Will This Event Be Recorded?

No - This will only be available at the designated date & time (07-Sep-2023 11:45AM).

Joining The Event

Technology and Materials Requirements

This virtual excursion will run via Zoom. A device with internet connectivity with the capability of streaming video is required.

Attendees can choose to have their cameras enabled or disabled, but all microphones will be muted.

The virtual excursion will include a live presentation and time for a Q&A. Questions can either be submitted as part of your DART booking form or in the Zoom chat.

All student participants must be supervised by a teacher or parent/guardian for this virtual excursion.

If you have any queries please contact the provider

Name: arludo

Phone: send us an email!

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://arludo.com/

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