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How accurate is our memory? Let’s Find Out! (Stage 4, Stage 5)

By Request

Do you remember at what time you woke up today? Or when was the last time you watched your favourite movie? Get ready to learn what affects memory through a series of investigation.


Memory plays a critical role in our survival which helps us to understand our behaviour and surrounding, and to reflect on the past to inform our future. But have you thought about what goes behind the scenes when you try to remember something? Your memory is like a jigsaw puzzle! When you try to remember an incident, you have to put the jigsaw pieces together. You might recall the incident correctly, or sometimes make an error. And often you may also miss a piece to complete the puzzle when you completely forgot about a specific part of the incident or take a piece from some other puzzle, i.e. from a different situation.

Join provisional psychologist, Priyadharshany Sandanapitchai to explore how far your memory can hold information accurately and what factors affect what you remember. Ready to test your memory?



Event Details

Event Type

Live Event - By Request

Delivery Platform



45 Minutes



Main KLA, Strand, Sub Strand


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Special Event

Presenter Bio

Priyadharshany Sandanapitchai is a provisional psychologist and clinical psychology PhD candidate at Flinders University. She is interested in trauma and PTSD intervention. Her research is evaluating a new guided self-help program to treat posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adults. This type of intervention could help more people access evidence based trauma treatment and suit the intervention to their level of need.
Priya is an ambivert. She loves doing portraits and spending time with friends.

Joining The Event

Technology and Materials Requirements

Either a smartphone, tablet, or computer for students to play Catburglary on, either individually or as a group. It is recommended that you download Catburglary on your device prior to the virtual incursion.

Catburglary can be downloaded for free from App Store or Google Play.

This virtual incursion will run via Zoom. A device with internet connectivity with the capability of streaming video is required.

Attendees can choose to have their cameras enabled or disabled, but all microphones will be muted.

The incursion will include a live presentation and time for a Q&A. Questions can either be submitted as part of your DART booking form or in the Zoom chat.

All student participants must be supervised by a teacher or parent/guardian for this virtual incursion.

Connecting To The Event

Joining instructions will be emailed after your booking is confirmed.

If you have any queries please contact the provider

Name: Arludo

Phone: Send us an email!

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://arludo.com/

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