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The Fight for Survival (Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4)

By Request

Animal fight club – how do animals fight and what makes a winner? Conduct your very own marine science experiment by bringing virtual 3D crabs to life without leaving the comfort of your classroom!


All animals fight – some fight using traits like weaponry while others fight for survival using more subtle ways like speed, cooperative behaviours or manipulation.

As a marine biologist, Hannah Moloney researches giant charismatic manta rays and the behaviours they use to scoop up their zooplankton prey using their huge face spoons. Cooperating with each other or “feeding with friends” is the manta ray way of fighting for resources.

In the videogame Reservoir Crabs, students will bring crabs to life using augmented reality to simulate a crab fight. They will explore the different traits that are important in determining who wins while acting as scientific “fight club” observers as they compete against each other.

While playing, anonymised data will be collected and graphed. This data will help students to put their analytical thinking caps on and be a part of the scientific process of hypothesis development, answering research questions and interpreting their own data.



Event Details

Event Type

Live Event - By Request

Delivery Platform



45 Minutes


Please email us for pricing details

Payment Instructions

Booked groups will be invoiced after the date of their virtual incursion



Main KLA, Strand, Sub Strand

Science and Tech » Working Scientifically and Design and Production » Living World

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Full Terms and Conditions here: https://arludo.com/virtual-incursions-tcs/

Terms and Conditions

Full Terms and Conditions here: https://arludo.com/virtual-incursions-tcs/

Presenter Bio

Hannah is a PhD researcher at the University of the Sunshine Coast and works for a global charity called the Manta Trust.

Hannah is following her childhood dreams of becoming a marine biologist after growing up on the seaside and being fascinated by nature from a young age. After spending many years sailing, surfing, scuba diving and hiking mountains across the globe in search of adventure, Hannah’s “day job” is now diving in the Maldives and Australia with the ocean animals she loves.

Her professional goals are to contribute to the conservation and protection of manta rays and the marine ecosystems they call home, so that humans and the environment can co-exist successfully into the future.

Joining The Event

Technology and Materials Requirements

Either a smartphone, tablet, or computer for students to play Reservoir Crabs on, either individually or as a group. Reservoir Crabs can be downloaded for free from App Store or Google Play.

This virtual incursion will run via Zoom. A device with internet connectivity with the capability of streaming video is required.

Attendees can choose to have their cameras enabled or disabled, but all microphones will be muted.

The incursion will include a live presentation and time for a Q&A. Questions can either be submitted as part of your DART booking form or in the Zoom chat.

All student participants must be supervised by a teacher or parent/guardian for this virtual incursion.

Connecting To The Event

A Zoom link will be emailed closer to the date

If you have any queries please contact the provider

Name: Arludo

Phone: Send us an email!

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://arludo.com/

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