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Impressing your mate: do you have what it takes? (Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4)

By Request

Transform into a male bowerbird and search for the perfect gift to impress your mate! Think like a scientist and test predictions on what items she prefers. The outcome may not be what you expect…


Courtship and mating are incredibly important aspects of life on earth. All animals strive to reproduce and pass their genes on to the next generation. However, the way they achieve this varies greatly across the animal kingdom. Birds especially show incredibly diverse courtship behaviours and mating strategies. The bowerbird is no exception and these small birds attempt to impress females by home design and decoration, finding the brightest and most exciting items to decorate their bower with. All in hopes of a chance of mating.

Join evolutionary biologist, Soleille Miller, and forage for the perfect items to impress your very own female bowerbird! Through our augmented reality video game, learn hypothesis testing as you make predictions about what she may like or dislike based on previous experience. In the natural world, choices like these can change the course of evolution, creating new courtship behaviours and mating strategies that may or may not stand the test of time.



Event Details

Event Type

Live Event - By Request

Delivery Platform



45 Minutes


Please email us for pricing details

Payment Instructions

Booked groups will be invoiced after the date of their virtual incursion



Main KLA, Strand, Sub Strand

Science and Tech » Working Scientifically and Design and Production » Living World

Cancellation Policy

Full Terms and Conditions here: https://arludo.com/virtual-incursions-tcs/

Terms and Conditions

Full Terms and Conditions here: https://arludo.com/virtual-incursions-tcs/

Presenter Bio

Soleille is a PhD student studying alternative reproductive strategies in Australian stick insects. Specifically, what happens when an animal can reproduce without a mate. She is originally from the US, but prefers the nature (and people) in Australia. She hopes to one day use her knowledge of genetics and ecology to set up management programs in order to protect threatened species across the world.

Joining The Event

Technology and Materials Requirements

Either a smartphone, tablet, or computer for students to play Blue Steal on, either individually or as a group. Blue Steal can be downloaded for free from App Store or Google Play.

The Blue Steal AR tags will be emailed as a PDF closer to the date. These tags will need to be printed and cut out in order to play the game.

This virtual incursion will run via Zoom. A device with internet connectivity with the capability of streaming video is required.

Attendees can choose to have their cameras enabled or disabled, but all microphones will be muted.

The incursion will include a live presentation and time for a Q&A. Questions can either be submitted as part of your DART booking form or in the Zoom chat.

All student participants must be supervised by a teacher or parent/guardian for this virtual incursion.


If you have any queries please contact the provider

Name: Arludo

Phone: Send us an email!

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://arludo.com/

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