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School Calendar Events
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Help - Cancelling Bookings

To cancel a booking for an existing event that you have registered for, follow these steps:

  1. From your account dashboard, select the Manage Bookings option.
  2.  Find the event that you would like to cancel from your bookings listed in the table and select the View/Edit Booking option from the Actions button.
  3. For each attendee within the booking that you would like to cancel, change the RSVP status to Not going.
  4. Click on the Update Booking button. This will cancel your booking.
  5. *IMPORTANT NOTE* – If you don’t find your booking listed, this is because the provider is using their site to book through – You will need to contact them directly to cancel your booking (refer to your booking confirmation email or excursions provider details found under the joining the event TAB).
